TimeWalk.org - 1609 Manhattan
TimeWalk.org - 1609 Manhattan
1660 New Amsterdam - TimeWalk.org
1660 New Amsterdam - TimeWalk.org
SmartDeco-designed "Jabberin Jack" product
SmartDeco-designed "Jabberin Jack" product
TimeWalk - 1920 Mill Valley
TimeWalk - 1920 Mill Valley
"Biography" Voice App
"Biography" Voice App
Boswell - Hardware Prototype
Boswell - Hardware Prototype
VR Sailing v0.1
VR Sailing v0.1
Photo Reviewer app
Photo Reviewer app
TimeWalk.org - 1609 ManhattanBuilt in Unreal Engine 5.2 for the TimeWalk project
1660 New Amsterdam - TimeWalk.orgWork in progress: building a historical recreation of New York City as of 1660 (and 1609, 1776, 1882, 2023) using Unreal Engine 5.x
SmartDeco-designed "Jabberin Jack" productDesigned and programmed by SmartDeco.ai (my hardware company with Keith Kirby)
TimeWalk - 1920 Mill Valley
"Biography" Voice App
Boswell - Hardware Prototype
VR Sailing v0.1
Photo Reviewer app
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